Priest Content Notes


This book contains mentions of clerical sex abuse (off page, historical) and a sister’s death by suicide.

Midnight Mass

This book contains mentions of clerical sex abuse (off page, historical) and a sister’s death by suicide.

A central character experiences a miscarriage. This occurs in Chapter Twelve, and its consequences continue through Chapter Thirteen.


This book contains mentions of clerical sex abuse (off page, historical) and a sister’s death by suicide.

There is a scene in Chapter 20, where a secondary character makes racist assumptions about a central character. This is called out and addressed in the chapter, but this chapter can also be skipped and its events inferred from later chapters.

Additionally, themes of cancer and mortality pervade the book. There is a parental death from cancer described in Chapters 30 and 31.


The main character of this book has a history of depression, and his experience with suicidal ideation before his diagnosis is described in Chapter Forty-Seven.  This chapter can be skipped, and its meaning inferred from the rest of the story.

This book also contains brief mentions of sexual abuse of a child by a Catholic priest and a sister’s death by suicide.  The abuse and death take place before the events of the story.